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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-09-27 Spaciousness 48:01
Christina Feldman
Spaciousness describes the climate of mind we cultivate in meditation practice. Inclusive, kind and welcoming, spaciousness counters the habit of contractedness.
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation

2009-09-26 Tearing Down the House 45:58
Mary Grace Orr
We often live inside of our stories and react from them. When we begin to perceive our experience as it is, we can respond rather than react and end the cycle of suffering. Lots of good stories!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing firm in that which you are: Mindfulness of the body

2009-09-26 Opening Talk for Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation Retreat 53:48
Christina Feldman
This talk also includes Rob Burbea and John Teasdale
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation

2009-09-26 The One Thing You Can Do 49:52
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Vassa Retreat

2009-09-25 32 Parts of the Body 51:22
Bob Stahl
The Journey of the Body. The Buddha's practice on the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing firm in that which you are: Mindfulness of the body

2009-09-24 Refuge from the Fires 44:12
Mary Grace Orr
Finding refuge in our lives and in our practice
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing firm in that which you are: Mindfulness of the body

2009-09-24 Reclaiming Creativity through the Body 45:51
Anne Cushman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and the Spirit of Creativity

2009-09-23 The Sure Heart's Release, Part 2 64:19
Kamala Masters
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2009-09-23 Wise Effort and Spiritual Freedom 51:12
Tara Brach
In the Buddhist tradition, wise effort, or the purposeful dedication of our energy, is an essential part of the spiritual path. While the attitudes of grasping or fear can contract the quality of our effort and create suffering in our lives; when our effort arises from sincerity and wisdom, it creates the conditions for liberation.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2009-09-23 Work and Service as a Path of Practice, II Aspects of the Path 56:36
Donald Rothberg
We continue to look at work and service as a path, naming some key aspects of this path: 1. general intention that our work and service be practice for ourselves and others, 2.connecting inner and outer practice, 3. identifying core challenges and "obstacles", 4.developing awakened qualities and 5. establishing community support for this path.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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